Leave a Message for the All In Service Network!

This is a project that we will help any Christian or Non-Religious, Family Friendly Group do to help Kids on Juvenile Probation.  We will provide FREE Consulting and help you every step of the way.  We cannot promise how much funding we will be able to help you pull in from local businesses who want to donate, but we will help you move in the direction you want to go.  

Skillful Screening – MinistrySafe is a service we recommend highly.  They can do all the background checks and screening on your volunteers that you really should make sure to have on file when you have people volunteering with kids.

Biblical Counseling (ACBC Certification) is something that can be done for kids who are at risk and also kids who have been victims of crimes like sex-trafficking.  Praxis Professional Foundation Incorporated is a non-profit which has been setup to do advocacy for the victims of sex-trafficking and to make sure they are able to go through Conservative Biblical Counseling.

The project is a simple project that any Christian or Non-Religious, Family Friendly Group in any County in the USA do to help Kids on Juvenile Probation.  The idea is to have your Organization or Grouping of Organizations adopt a street and then use it to supervise Kids on Juvenile Probation while they pick up the roadside trash with some of your Volunteers and then sign off on 3 hours of community service hours every weekend for their Court Ordered Community Service Hours.  You can use it as an opportunity to invite the Kids and their Families to be a part of your weekly activities. I did the first proto-project with a YoungLife Area in Victorville, CA which first started as a planned Church Partnership with Evergreen Lutheran in Phelan, CA in 2012, and it is something that I began brainstorming when I was a Religion Major at California Lutheran University between 1997-2001. After earning my Paralegal Certificate from the University of San Diego in 2014 I decided to launch this project. It is not an organization you join, it is a project your Community Group does as a Community Group.


  1. Be a Christian or Non-Religious Non-Profit and Family Friendly Group.
  2. Adopt a street with your local authority for roadside cleanup.
  3. Send a letter to your local juvenile probation office promising to have 3 volunteers to supervise roadside cleanup for 3 hours one day a weekend for the kids on juvenile probation who need to complete court mandated hours.
  4. Have parents sign your organization’s waiver to participate and have them call you by a designated day each week to let you know they are bringing their kid.
  5. Have the parents drop the kids off and pick the kids up as well as provide them with a bag lunch.
  6. Sign the kids paperwork for their juvenile probation officers at the end of every day and also keep a log of who participated so that the juvenile probation officers can double check with you and so that you can help when the kids loose their paperwork (happens a lot).
  7. Invite the kids and their families to do whatever your organization does all week, every month, and all year.

There.  That is the project.  It is the perfect outreach.  Ask me for a free sticker. Also, don’t forget to checkout the All In Service Network Facebook Page.  If you are a Legal Document Professional of one type or another, and have a website, link out to this page and help us recruit some people in your County who you think would like to help kids in this manner.  It is also a great way for you to anchor yourself more fully into the spiritual life of your Community.

-James F. Polk, Director of the All in Service Network & Trustee of Apex Law Service

p.s.  I would like to give a special thanks to John Garcia.  John Garcia ran the adopt a street program in Victorville, CA at the City Hall and he planted the seed in my mind of starting a bigger project when I was closing down the first project.  Things like this end up growing.

p.p.s. I was given a great idea by San Bernardino County Sheriff/Coroner John McMahon when I met him in 2012 at a Rotary Meeting in Victorville.  I asked him how Youth Ministers might go about helping kids on juvenile probation to not see Law Enforcement as their enemies or adversaries, and he gave me a great answer.  He said, “Have them sign up for Police Athletic League Boxing Lessons”.  It’s a GREAT answer!  It will make you chuckle a little.  I asked some kids on juvenile probation if they wanted to take boxing lessons with the local cops and they all burst out with a “yeah right!  we’ll punch them and go back to juvi!” lol.   It is a real solution that to implement takes legwork and then just taking kids to the practices etc.  I encourage any Youth Minister to do exactly that.  I have a Cousin who is a Sifu in this Wing Chun Ip Ching Kung Fu Family and they train young people and have some police and fire who train with them.  Groups like this are good too.

p.p.p.s. I was also was challenged while listening to Mark Driscoll and Rick Warren while attending one of their “Resurgence” conferences while I was working with YoungLife to put together a project that supported local congregations but had some outside training and financial backing resources, so I came up with taking my project and making it into a blueprint and then pointing people who like the project to the Local Groups doing the project so that the people could donate directly to the Local Groups.

p.p.p.p.s. A few years ago I was in a night school law school program with the Lincoln Law School in Sacramento and I had this brief conversation with a local punk rock lead singer about my desire to recruit law professionals to help community group leaders put together this project.  Jacoby was just a cool punk rocker who I met briefly.  I was completely unaware until 11 months later that he was the Lead Singer of Papa Roach!  I had gotten on google to look him up because I wanted to ask him something about what we had been talking about, so I googled “Jacoby, Sacramento, Punk Rock Lead Singer” and Papa Roach popped up!  I have always thought their lyrics fit so well with Youth Ministry, a random occurrence like this is just one of those things.  Loved their lyrics before, now I know they are the real deal.  It’s cool to see people with meaningful lyrics who see the viability of a project like this.

p.p.p.p.p.s.  Canterbury in England responded via email when I wrote them about the project, which speaks volumes in support of English Civility and Nicety.  They were not able to help at the time but were very supportive.  I take longshots and they come back slightly.

p.p.p.p.p.p.s. We also are coordinating the skatethrulife.com mobile metal-walled and deliverable cement skate ramp project so that we can deliver 2 quarter pipes at a time to cities without skate parks.  We want to deliver them for free.


They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are unwilling to move them with so much as a finger.
– Mt. 23:4
“Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. ‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’  Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? ‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’” 
– Mt. 25-34-40
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
– James 1:27


“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.”

– Amos 5:24

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you; but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

– Micah 6:8




Below is the passage from my Law School Criminal Law Textbook that gave me the basic idea to start the project I started with YoungLife in 2012 and which has become the all in service network project for kids on juvenile probation.

This is the bookmark that was in my above book in between those two pages.  I think it is fitting to show this to everybody because it really is something that I was reading when God kind of touched my mind and gave me this little mission.  I think when people do this project that God will touch their lives too in a way that only He can.  We have a real experience with God called the Sacramentality of the Poor when we help people who need help.

One last little thing.  Kids sometimes do and say things that will catch you off guard.  Ministry can be messy.  Just keep that in mind.  Keep a good sense of humor. You might run a perfect program and then all of a sudden have a kid do or say something inappropriate.  That is when we have the opportunity to be good influences.   So, just do the project because you care about kids and don’t worry if the kids aren’t perfect angels 100% of the time.  Trust me, you will be helping to change a kid’s life.

– James F. Polk